fredag den 14. september 2012

The parallel train journey

A one-day practice in sketching technique. The project is a design challenge in making an alternative train journey for pendlers who might get bored watching the same scenery day after day after day.

onsdag den 5. september 2012

It has been a while since I last posted something new. Well, here's some of the things I've been making.

lørdag den 30. juni 2012


An illustration I made as a present for my rommies 25th birthday. I don't think anyone has as much kitchen gear as her.

tirsdag den 24. april 2012


This is an admission test I did for the Design School in Kolding. I cross my fingers, my legs, and my toes. It felt pretty good to work more focused on a assignment like this, but also quite a challange since I'm mostly used to express myself in 'scientific' university language.

The theme is 'the night'. I have here tried to capture the feeling of the sleepless frustration that perhaps is best illuminated with a visual expression. Often I find that words can be a challenge to overcome when communicating with others - the visual communication should reach an other level of common understanding. That is my hope and in general my overall vision for the work I do. 

søndag den 4. marts 2012

"Jens mangler" eller "Søndagsbillede"

"Jens is missing" or "Sunday picture".
I'm trying to improve some of the classic drawing skills. It's not spot on, but a real good practice anyway. A Sunday well spent.

mandag den 23. januar 2012

New work space - new work

This last one is a picture of the lovely new arrangement I have made in my room for drawing. The table used to be a coffee table in front of my couch - the coffee break is over baby! It can be very inspiring to move around. The drawings are all made this weekend at my new favorite spot.

søndag den 15. januar 2012

Freedom has come

Finally my exams are over and I have some time for drawing again. I feel like some kind of drug addict shaking to get a fix. The last few weeks I have woken every morning with a huge desire to just make coffee and draw but school obligations kept me from it. This morning I got my fix: coffee, lame tv, and doodeling away. It's SO good! I love my life :)